The 10-Hour CGC Blueprint


On this mini course you can find 6 coaching sessions from CGC. There are 2 videos from metal_ouda, 2 videos from CaptainRobur and 2 videos from Merfinis. Total
duration of the videos is more than 10h, and we cover some of the basic postflop topics. Below, I am gonna write down the topics of each video:

  1. Footage review of 100nl student by metal_ouda
  2. How to exploit recreationals by metal_ouda
  3. Cbet SRP BvB by CaptainRobur
  4. Play as OOP caller in 3BP by CaptainRobur
  5. Cbet EPvBB SRP by Merfinis
  6. 3BP BBvBTN by Merfinis